Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Insecure Writers Support Group Call to Meeting

It is, once again, that day of the month when moody writers get together to share their happiness, sadness, stress, or progress. I almost forgot about it but, thankfully, Michael Pierce was sweet enough to award this blog with the Book Blogger Award and his post reminded me of what day it was. Phew!

Well, like I was telling Michael, I feel that I have so many things going on that I'm starting to miss a lot of deadlines. I'm used to be very organized and not having things on time is bothering me really bad. I have to pull myself together and my plan is to write everything down on a calendar I'll keep on my desk, so I will be more aware of the deadlines fast approaching.

Right now I'm reviewing for Dark River Press, I have two reviews to deliver by the end of the month, so reading is a big part of my life, but sadly I'm not in total control of what I read, as sometimes I get assigned the books. Then I'm writing my new novel, which is moving at a painfully slow pace. I try to write daily an average of three hours, but my kids schedule collided with mine so often that I ended up writing three days a week at the most. Since school is out, I'm praying this will allow me to go back to the original plan, but that remains to be seen. I also want to submit to a couple of anthologies that sound incredibly good but I have only one story one third in, the other is still to be written... Oh, and have I told you I'm on vacation in Mexico in my parent's house? With the family parties popping like there's no tomorrow, my working time has been seriously crippled.

Oh, gosh! I guess I just have to enjoy the vacation and try to cramp as much work as I can but knowing that most probably I won't be able to make to all the deadlines I wanted to. That's life and if we don't enjoy the ride, then what's the point of even riding, right?

I hope you are having a much more productive summer start. Enjoy the sun, the light summer breeze, and don't let life go by without noticing.

A brief side note. If you are a horror lover, my first novella PERPETUAL NIGHT is free today on amazon. It currently holds the #106 best kindle book, and #2 Bone-chilling horror. You might want to be the next one to experience real fear in a time when so many horror novels have gone stale.

What other readers had to say:                                                Get your copy

"Morales creates a very interesting tale in Perpetual Night. The dream sequences are at times chilling and the end takes a fresh approach that makes the story well worth the read. This book should appeal to wide range of readers from the younger seeking to challenge themselves to those wishing for a quick well-written read. Check it out!" ~ Ken Cain.

"In Perpetual Night, novelist Georgina Morales has created a frightening "can't put it down" novella about a fifteen-year-old gifted, misfit named Lilibeth. Morales seamlessly weaves a tale unlike the common vampire saga. I felt compelled and attached to Lilibeth, her pal, Alex, their many unexpected twists and turns, and I simply couldn't wait to read where their journey took them next. With Lilibeth, you're taken for a wild ride of supernatural reality versus illusion, especially when it comes to her freakish dreams, which evolve into freakier and scary nightmares. Perpetual Night is a great novella. Put this one on your list to read. I'm looking forward to more from novelist Georgina Morales." ~David Brown.
Get your copy.


M Pax said...

Congrats on your novella! Sounds skeery.

I hear you. I'm busier and more forgetful, too. The calendar on my desk is now my lifeline ... I must clean my desk, too. The monitor may soon disappear from view.

Nicole said...

Life does seem to be getting ultra busy lately. :) Best of luck squeezing in some writing.

Unknown said...

I'm just here to help. haha. I downloaded your novella yesterday. :) I know what you mean about not having enough time. I'm feeling that every day lately. And I only get about an hour and a half a day to write. I wish I could devote more time to it. Hope you're having fun on vacation, even though it hinders the writing sometimes.

Georgina Morales said...

M Pax, I know what you mean about cleaning your desk. I swear there's a warm hole above my desk that just appears paper from the other side of the galaxy, there's no way I'M collecting all that garbage!

Nicole, thanks for the good wishes. Lack of time is something that ails all of us most of our adult life, whining about it just makes it easier to carry on. =)

Michael, thanks so much for downloading the book! I can't wait to hear what you think about it!

Tess Julia said...

Wow! Your book looks awesome. Veo que hablas espanol tambien! Finalmente encuentro una Hispana con un blog!

Georgina Morales said...

Hola Honey! Q gusto conectar con otra hispana! Voy a visitar tu blog, siempre es agradable encontrar a alguien mas con quien compartes un pedacito de corazón. Espero q te guste el mío y podamos conocernos mejor a través de ellos.

Myrna R. said...

Gina, I sure can relate to your issues with time. That's one of my biggest obstacles to sitting down and getting serious about writing. But you've done great. Already you've written and published. That's awesome. Have fun on your vacation. It just may provide material for another book.

StratPlayerCJF said...

Hey, don't beat yourself up over not doing more work on your vacation -- enjoy the family!

But I do hear you about the "not enough time to write." I suffer through that almost every day. And when I do get time, I'm so stressed out and tired from all the real-life rushing that I'm drained and not as productive as I'd like to be, even when I'm writing, lol!

Hang in there, enjoy the time away, and congratulations on all the positive responses to "Perpetual Night!"

Lynn Proctor said...

congrats! and i bet a well deserved break, gives you some new energy and insights!

Anonymous said...

Definitely enjoy your vacation. Relax, party, soak up some sun... and write when you can. But don't lose sight of life. I have a bad habit of doing that; instead of enjoying family time I'm constantly worried about how much time I'll have to write. Sometimes I'll go out to dinner with the fam. and I'll sit there at the table silently scribbling ideas in my notepad the whole time. Must learn to relax...writing time will come... :)

Thanks for finding my blog through IWSG!

Andrea Teagan said...

Oooh, that cover is bone chilling! Sounds like a good story. Good luck with everything and I hope the rest of your summer goes better.


Mrs. Jones said...

Its so sad that we have so many books to read, and so many stories we want to write, but there is just so little time to do it all!! I completely understand where you are though. I have 2 children, and work full time, so any reading and writing I get to do is few and far between and I am constantly trying to fit it in ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE I can!!
Good luck!

Georgina Morales said...

Thank you to all for your amazing support, as always. It's taking me longer to answer all your comments because sometimes I'm in places with no internet access while on this trip, but know that each and everyone of them is deeply appreciated.

@Myrna, thanks! Indeed I'm enjoying the vacation and collecting all kinds of regional legends that I think can turn out to be very frightening stories. Just my kind. =)

@Chris, I have yet to meet an emerging author who doesn't complain of lack of time and/or energy. I guess it comes with the territory and we just have to keep pushing forward hoping there will be better times.

@Lynn, thanks. I'm trying to take advantage of having my family with me. I don't get to spend a lot of time with them and I love seeing my girls enjoying of their grandparents as I did.

@Insomniac, you're so right! We tend to do that but even if I became a bestseller author, I would never forgive myself for missing my girls childhood. These weeks will eventually be part of a slew of memories for them, all I really want is for those memories to be the best.

@Andrea, thanks so much! Summers are the best, even if my writing dwarfs.

@Mrs. Jones, thanks. I think most adults deal with such lack of time, but mothers are the ones to sacrifice the most. Most of our daily life is dedicated to our family, specially if younger children are involved, but what a reward to see them grow to become strong, independent men and women. I wouldn't want thinks to change one bit.